Astrophotography image stacking software mac
Astrophotography image stacking software mac

astrophotography image stacking software mac

  • PixInsight LE: image post-processing (freeware version).
  • astrophotography image stacking software mac

  • Focus magic: improves images focusing and contrast.
  • IMerge: makes astrophotography mosaics (freeware).
  • It can also be used for deep space astrophotography (freeware).
  • RegiStax: image calibration, aligning and stacking specific for planetary astrophotography.
  • See my image processing video tutorial using this software.
  • DeepSkyStacker: image calibration, aligning and stacking specific for deep space astrophotography.
  • MaxIm DL: image acquisition, calibration, aligning, stacking and post-processing.
  • Envisage: image acquisition, calibration, aligning and stacking for Meade DSI cameras.
  • K3CCDTools: photo and video acquisition, planetary image processing (freeware version).
  • Desire: long exposure imaging with modified webcams (freeware).
  • EQAlign: scope polar aligning, periodic error analysis and autoguiding (freeware).
  • Bahtinov Grabbber: helps focusing using a Bahtinov mask (freeware).
  • AstroPlanner: observation planner, much more more sophisticated than the previous.
  • NGC Observer: generates a list of objects from several catalogs (Messier, NGC, etc.) visibles from your location.
  • Messier Marathon: generates a list of Messier objects visibles from your location (freeware).
  • astrophotography image stacking software mac

  • WcRmac: edits the firmware of several webcam models (freeware).
  • WcCtrl: helps to control the settings of several webcam models (freeware).
  • #Astrophotography image stacking software mac windows

    These are some of the programs I use or have tried and recommend:Īstrophotography Stacking Software Windows

  • Best Astrophotography Stacking Software 2019.
  • Astrophotography Stacking Software Windows.

  • Astrophotography image stacking software mac